Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Etsy Team Member

Today has been the busiest sitting around day I've had in a long while.  I finally got around to taking care of becoming an active member of the JET team on Etsy.  It's been fun and its kept me quite busy. The group has helped me gain a few blog followers and FB fans too. I am looking forward to making some new friends on the team, and helping and learning.

My car is still in the shop and this is really not such a bad thing - its helped me stay at home today and get things done.  The kids are gone and the house has returned to its quiet calm.  Other than the snoring of a basset hound you could hear a pin drop.

Still nothing new from the attorney.  I am looking forward to going to New York, but since this craziness has re-emerged, I keep pairing New York with all the negative and scary feelings of the abuse and polarization.  I need to figure out how to stop doing this because I miss New York terribly, and I don't ever want to feel fear when there. Maybe I just need to make some new, positive memories during my coming visit.  I know this isn't going to be an easy task as the primary purpose for the visit will be to rehash everything that happened. Somehow I will get through it.  My wife will be there with me, and things are so very different now.

I've been on the computer long enough today. The shower and the to-do list are both calling my name. Time to break away from the warmth of the computer screen and be a bit productive in some other arenas.

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