Thursday, January 17, 2013

Life Happens

Change is hard.  I try to embrace it, but my anxiety takes over with all the "what ifs".  My wife may be starting a job with a very new company in the very very near future.  This wouldn't be so terrifying if I was able to work too, or if my jewelry business brought in a decent income, but for now she is the main bread winner and the risk is scary. That combined with the potential lawsuit feels kinda overwhelming - quite a bit of change all at once. I need some time post illness to ground myself in a routine - that would help quite a bit with new transitions. But of course you can't plan change it just seems to happen.

I made two pieces yesterday, one in turquoise and silver, and the other in red, black and white.  A more natural stone one, and a blingy one. I'll be posting them both on Etsy later today.

My head is kinda spinning and I am trying to navigate my way through everything going on in my life right now.  I think I need to make a list so that I can feel some sense of control (albeit imaginary). Honestly I don't even feel capable of making a list. I hate when my brain moves so quickly that I can't focus or relax or think.  If this lasts too long I'll wind up with an anxiety attack. Probably need to take my Valium and relax for a bit.  Then if that does its job I can try my hand at list making.

If my wife takes this new job she will be able to work from home quite a bit and that is a major plus. Having her around makes me happy and alleviates the loneliness I feel often at home by myself.

Today I pick the kids up for the weekend.  I am looking forward to seeing them. It's hard to make plans to do stuff when you have teenagers - they don't want to do very much (other than with their friends of course). It would be fun to do something with them - but my two youngest are a boy and a girl, 15 and 13 - they can barely agree on dinner let alone a family activity.  We might be able to agree on a board game.  That's quality time and free - I like that combination.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring. I have to take deep breaths, pet my puppies and take some Valium.

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