Friday, January 18, 2013

Babies become Teenagers... I Have to Remember That!

Well, both teenagers have made weekend plans (which do not include us). We haven't seen The Hobbit yet, so possibly tomorrow (they both saw it already - LOL).  Yesterday wound up being very busy.  I helped my friend with her new baby.  She's a first time mom and just learning the ropes.  I love caring for babies, so it was the perfect opportunity.  He's a bit colicky and she's just exhausted.  I told her to call me whenever she needs me.  I had him passed out after a bit, and I answered her questions as best I could. I'm hoping to help her out at least once a week.
Sleeping happy baby in my arms - just yummy!

That being said, I never posted the jewelry on Etsy.  I made one piece this morning.  It has this really cool vintage look to it.  I almost never work in gold.  I definitely prefer silver, or brass, or copper, but when I saw this pendant I kinda saw the whole piece come together in my mind.

Still nothing from the attorney.  Having been a paralegal for many years, this is more or less what I expect from a law firm. I'm sure if they were ready to file a petition or complaint, they would have me review it first. I will call them today to be certain they received the original signature pages I sent them.  I am still very anxious about the whole thing. This man tormented me for years - spreading lies, stalking me, making late night scary phone calls, having his minions spy on me, ostracizing me from much of the Jewish community.  Who knows what he's capable of now? He's older, has a bigger following and has more money.  I think once the petition is served I may call my local police department and tell them what is going on.  A restraining order might be necessary for my own peace of mind.  I am sure I am just being paranoid and over reacting, but the young girl in me remains petrified.

Later this afternoon I am going to be a teenage taxi service.  We should have a nice quiet evening though, and now that I am feeling somewhat better I am looking forward to enjoying my weekend.  I'm still a bit congested, but most of my energy has returned and the coughing is just about gone.  This darn thing has lasted almost 3 weeks.

Looks like I will be making some more cupcakes this weekend with my daughter.  She wants to bring them for her friend's birthday.  I enjoy baking with her and that will be our quality time.  We will be making cookies and cream cupcakes.  They are really yummy. I'll post the recipe here with a photo after we make them.

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