Thursday, January 31, 2013

Self-worth and Satisfaction

Today was very productive.  In the last two days I've sold three pieces, made three and begun to learn a new skill.  One of the sales was my first international order.  It was to Canada, which never really felt foreign to me because as a child we visited Montreal and Toronto at least once a year. Shipping costs did just go up, and with the USPS struggling the way it is shipping things anywhere has become really prohibitive. 

The three pieces I made are custom orders for a bridal party.  These are just the samples really, but I am hoping the bride will order the pieces for her bridal party.  She is having a country western theme and her colors are a variety of purples.  She wanted boot jewelry for herself, her bridesmaids and her flower girl.  Now its just a matter of her budget - which I of all people totally understand. Here are the pieces I created.
Bride's Boot Bling
Bridesmaids' Boot Bling

Flower Girl Boot Bling
Bride & Bridesmaids' Boot Bling
Bride & Flower Girl Boot Bling
There is something so satisfying and self-affirming when someone enjoys something you've created.  So few things give me a sense of self worth.  I know that doesn't sound good, but its something I've struggled with my whole life.  I know some of it stems from the abuse, and some of it from the abandonment I feel having been adopted and never connecting with my adoptive family. But creating brings me joy and when it brings joy to others there is a deep satisfaction.  
Here is my JET Team love for the day the shop is ShazzabethCreations: (Just click on the caption to find out more!)
Charoite & Lampwork Gold Wired Necklace
Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully it will bring me continued satisfaction. I think I need to work with clay again; Mold something from nothing with my hands. 

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Rough Few Days

Keeping baby happy!
I want to apologize for not blogging the past few days, but basically I’ve been sleeping and painting.  Our finances have been really tight and we couldn’t afford some of my meds, but we just picked them up and things are slowly returning to normal.  We slept our weekend away.  I guess my body needed the sleep.  Went to bed early Saturday evening and woke up late Sunday morning, then had a late morning nap AND a late afternoon nap.  Actually fell asleep on my wife’s lap around 10 p.m. Sunday night, and slept all night till about 7:00 Monday morning.  And, had I not agreed to babysit that morning I probably would’ve slept in long past seven.  I think my body is trying to tell me something, but I am not sure what.

My painting
I created this painting as well. I am toying with selling it but I like it a lot, and know it will likely appeal to a limited audience.  It was born from some recent emotions, although neither my partner nor I look anything like the women in the painting. LOL neither one of us is that skinny!

During the day Saturday I worked with our friend the photographer and he did a wonderful job with some of the pieces I have found very difficult to photograph.  I am excited to upload what he has done onto Etsy, and use some other shots here on the blog as well.

Nice pic from Ben the photographer!
My wife put her notice in at her job and will be starting at a new place in two weeks.  The money is only a tad bit better, but the atmosphere should be much more relaxed and less stressful.  I just want her to be happy and be able to enjoy her day.

Given the time and work spent on the painting I haven’t created any more jewelry.  I don’t know if I will get to this week or not.  My moods have been a bit erratic and I have been kind of down the last couple of weeks.  I find it difficult to turn my mood around – I’m sure I need some tools to help me, but things that make me happy like being creative, writing, singing, etc. are so hard to do when you are in a funk and lack motivation.  Any suggestions are welcome.
Fine Silver Flower Pendant Necklace

JET Team love for today:

This pendant is just soft, feminine and beautiful.  Click the link in the caption if you want to see more.

I made some very yummy oatmeal raisin cookies from a Food Network recipe you can find here:  Here’s a pic.  They came out great.  I think the only thing I might do differently next time is use half molasses and half honey instead of all molasses.  Either way, these cookies are really good. 

Images and jewelry designs may not be reproduced, copied, duplicated, printed or otherwise used without the expressed written consent of Body Electric Jewelry or agents. All photos, text, designs are the property of Body Electric Jewelry. Photos may be used for personal enjoyment or archive purposes but photos, text and jewelry designs may not be used in any manner for financial gain or commerce by anyone other than Body Electric Jewelry.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Feelin' the Love

Got a lot done with some photos today.  These are my own of course, I meet with the photographer on Saturday. None of these pieces are listed on Etsy yet, but I will get to posting them later today or tomorrow.  I am kind of anxious today, anxious and tired - not a fun combination. Maybe getting out later (even though its for a doctor) will be good for me.

I made a really cool piece last night. I think its kinda unisex. I like it a lot.  Being the Jewish part of this pair (and really more of an agnostic), I don't really wear crosses. I think they can be beautiful and I like to create necklaces using them.

Throughout the day my wife calls me and we chat about nothing, and anything at all.  I like to hear her voice and know she's thinking about me. I text her, because I never know if its a good time to call. A lot of the texts and calls are just to say "I love you" or "I miss you". Sometimes those little things keep me going throughout the day, especially when I am anxious or sad.

Now that I am mostly healthy again I need to get back to seeing my therapist.  Talking to him about this possible law suit would really be helpful right now. Our money is so tight right now even making one appointment is cost prohibitive as the new year has started, and hence so has our deductible. I really like my therapist, and its the first time in a long time that I have had such a good relationship with a therapist.  It took over a decade really to find the right combination of psychiatrist, therapist and medication.  Even still we tweak things all the time, but I feel like I am heading in the right direction, and I have a good team behind me.  That team, and my wife, my kids, my mom and my mother-in-law, have all made suffering from bipolar disorder, OCD, and anxiety disorder easier now than it had been in the past. I still struggle daily with a variety of issues, but knowing all these people are in my corner, pulling for me helps tremendously. Its sad because I know that so many people who suffer from mental illness don't have the support system I do.  Maybe someday I will be well enough to help some of my "brothers and sisters in arms" with their struggle. I know when I have heard stories and feelings shared by others who suffer from similar disorders it has helped me feel less alone.

Red Creek Jasper Necklace
Gotta get ready for the doc. Here is today's JET Team love:

Images and jewelry designs may not be reproduced, copied, duplicated, printed or otherwise used without the expressed written consent of Body Electric Jewelry or agents. All photos, text, designs are the property of Body Electric Jewelry. Photos may be used for personal enjoyment or archive purposes but photos, text and jewelry designs may not be used in any manner for financial gain or commerce by anyone other than Body Electric Jewelry.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Promoting, Obsessing and Blogging

Finally sat down and made a necklace and some earrings. Got them listed on Etsy, onto FB, tweeted and pinned - whew! This social networking thing is a lot of work, LOL. I am going to meet with a photographer this weekend to see about getting some better shots of my jewelry.  I am pretty good at taking pictures, but I think someone with some commercial photography experience would be a huge asset. Here's the piece I completed and promoted today: (The caption is a link to the Etsy posting.)

Turquoise, Red, Brown & Silver Chunky Multi-Strand Necklace

The attorney's office got back with me today.  I asked the paralegal when they were wanting a face to face meeting, but the answer was kind of ambiguous, "I would imagine at some point in the near future we’d like to get together with you." I knew that already. I was hoping for something more specific, like - let's shoot for two weeks or three weeks?  My anxiety kicks in when there are too many unknowns and in this situation it feels like everything is unknown.

I am trying to stay grounded and not let this take over my life.  When I get obsessive I tend to get hypo manic. My mood has been pretty good though and I am taking my meds everyday. I check in with the doctor on Thursday and hopefully he won't change my meds again. He tried me on some OCD medication, but it didn't seem to really do much. I am concerned about the ruminating thoughts and slight paranoia but I will discuss it all with him, and see if he wants to change the cocktail again.  Maybe he will just while I am going through all this rehashing of such a painful time for me.

Recycled Reclaimed Bronze Lotus Leaf Petal Earrings
Being a member of the JET team, we are asked to promote some of the other member's items and shops.  Everyday they chose a different shop to spotlight and the team members promote an item(s) from that shop. That being said, here's a pretty little pair of earrings from a fellow JET Team member. I love their simplicity and delicate nature. Her Etsy shop, RusticRockJewelry has some very pretty items. (The caption is a link to the Etsy posting.)

Images and jewelry designs may not be reproduced, copied, duplicated, printed or otherwise used without the expressed written consent of Body Electric Jewelry or agents. All photos, text, designs are the property of Body Electric Jewelry. Photos may be used for personal enjoyment or archive purposes but photos, text and jewelry designs may not be used in any manner for financial gain or commerce by anyone other than Body Electric Jewelry.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Etsy Team Member

Today has been the busiest sitting around day I've had in a long while.  I finally got around to taking care of becoming an active member of the JET team on Etsy.  It's been fun and its kept me quite busy. The group has helped me gain a few blog followers and FB fans too. I am looking forward to making some new friends on the team, and helping and learning.

My car is still in the shop and this is really not such a bad thing - its helped me stay at home today and get things done.  The kids are gone and the house has returned to its quiet calm.  Other than the snoring of a basset hound you could hear a pin drop.

Still nothing new from the attorney.  I am looking forward to going to New York, but since this craziness has re-emerged, I keep pairing New York with all the negative and scary feelings of the abuse and polarization.  I need to figure out how to stop doing this because I miss New York terribly, and I don't ever want to feel fear when there. Maybe I just need to make some new, positive memories during my coming visit.  I know this isn't going to be an easy task as the primary purpose for the visit will be to rehash everything that happened. Somehow I will get through it.  My wife will be there with me, and things are so very different now.

I've been on the computer long enough today. The shower and the to-do list are both calling my name. Time to break away from the warmth of the computer screen and be a bit productive in some other arenas.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Elusive Good Nights' Sleep

Got a lot done this weekend.  And we did get to see The Hobbit on Saturday.  We really enjoyed it - I am looking forward to the second movie. Unfortunately, on Saturday night I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, and could not go back to sleep.  It involved me shooting a gun at people, and it scared the crap out of me because I have never had a dream like that. I do not own a gun nor do I like guns.  Maybe it was some weird underlying anger or something.  Either way it was disturbing.  I tried to think of positive happy things, and that wouldn't work either, so I just got up and had some coffee and a muffin.  I spent the rest of the day in an exhausted fog.

No jewelry making this weekend, but my daughter and I did make some really yummy cookies-n-cream cupcakes.  Here's a pic. The icing was amazing.  I just used a fairly standard butter cream icing recipe and blended crushed double stuffed oreos into it. The cake needed a bit more flavor though so I need to tweak that recipe before I make it again.  They are really yummy though.

I am still quite tired and just pushing through the day with the hopes of getting another good nights' sleep.  My chihuahua Fiona has a favorite place; on my wife's shoulder.  It's hilarious really.  She gets herself all comfortable and perched up there everyday, and everyday my wife bitches and moans about her choice of resting places.  They both fell asleep in just that position the other day.  It was really sweet so I had to take a picture.

Our friend Yvonne came over on Sunday and spent the night.  We took her to dinner to the only kosher Israeli restaurant in the Dallas area: Natalie's Kitchen.  Their felafel and shwarma are both just amazing. Our other friends met us there too, and we all had a really nice evening.  Every time we go to this restaurant we purchase my favorite Israeli candy bar, Pesek Zman.  We always buy quite a few but it never seems like enough!

Yvonne stayed over last night and helped me out big time by following me to the mechanic so that I wouldn't have to wait there while they fixed my car.  I love my car and she's still in the shop right now.  I hope to have her back tomorrow.  For 90+% of my driving life I have driven kid friendly vehicles - which is understandable given my circumstances.  But now that most of them are grown, and the two youngest don't travel too many places with me, I finally got a fun car.  Now I drive a Mini Cooper. I've named her Maxine, just for the irony of it.  She's a little sick right now, but they are going to make her all better.

It might be time for a nap, or in the very least a solid few moments of rest.  Tomorrow is a new day and back to the week's routine.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Babies become Teenagers... I Have to Remember That!

Well, both teenagers have made weekend plans (which do not include us). We haven't seen The Hobbit yet, so possibly tomorrow (they both saw it already - LOL).  Yesterday wound up being very busy.  I helped my friend with her new baby.  She's a first time mom and just learning the ropes.  I love caring for babies, so it was the perfect opportunity.  He's a bit colicky and she's just exhausted.  I told her to call me whenever she needs me.  I had him passed out after a bit, and I answered her questions as best I could. I'm hoping to help her out at least once a week.
Sleeping happy baby in my arms - just yummy!

That being said, I never posted the jewelry on Etsy.  I made one piece this morning.  It has this really cool vintage look to it.  I almost never work in gold.  I definitely prefer silver, or brass, or copper, but when I saw this pendant I kinda saw the whole piece come together in my mind.

Still nothing from the attorney.  Having been a paralegal for many years, this is more or less what I expect from a law firm. I'm sure if they were ready to file a petition or complaint, they would have me review it first. I will call them today to be certain they received the original signature pages I sent them.  I am still very anxious about the whole thing. This man tormented me for years - spreading lies, stalking me, making late night scary phone calls, having his minions spy on me, ostracizing me from much of the Jewish community.  Who knows what he's capable of now? He's older, has a bigger following and has more money.  I think once the petition is served I may call my local police department and tell them what is going on.  A restraining order might be necessary for my own peace of mind.  I am sure I am just being paranoid and over reacting, but the young girl in me remains petrified.

Later this afternoon I am going to be a teenage taxi service.  We should have a nice quiet evening though, and now that I am feeling somewhat better I am looking forward to enjoying my weekend.  I'm still a bit congested, but most of my energy has returned and the coughing is just about gone.  This darn thing has lasted almost 3 weeks.

Looks like I will be making some more cupcakes this weekend with my daughter.  She wants to bring them for her friend's birthday.  I enjoy baking with her and that will be our quality time.  We will be making cookies and cream cupcakes.  They are really yummy. I'll post the recipe here with a photo after we make them.

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Images and jewelry designs may not be reproduced, copied, duplicated, printed or otherwise used without the expressed written consent of Body Electric Jewelry or agents. All photos, text and designs are the property of Body Electric Jewelry. Photos may be used for personal enjoyment or archive purposes but photos, text and jewelry designs may not be used in any manner for financial gain or commerce by anyone other than Body Electric Jewelry.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Life Happens

Change is hard.  I try to embrace it, but my anxiety takes over with all the "what ifs".  My wife may be starting a job with a very new company in the very very near future.  This wouldn't be so terrifying if I was able to work too, or if my jewelry business brought in a decent income, but for now she is the main bread winner and the risk is scary. That combined with the potential lawsuit feels kinda overwhelming - quite a bit of change all at once. I need some time post illness to ground myself in a routine - that would help quite a bit with new transitions. But of course you can't plan change it just seems to happen.

I made two pieces yesterday, one in turquoise and silver, and the other in red, black and white.  A more natural stone one, and a blingy one. I'll be posting them both on Etsy later today.

My head is kinda spinning and I am trying to navigate my way through everything going on in my life right now.  I think I need to make a list so that I can feel some sense of control (albeit imaginary). Honestly I don't even feel capable of making a list. I hate when my brain moves so quickly that I can't focus or relax or think.  If this lasts too long I'll wind up with an anxiety attack. Probably need to take my Valium and relax for a bit.  Then if that does its job I can try my hand at list making.

If my wife takes this new job she will be able to work from home quite a bit and that is a major plus. Having her around makes me happy and alleviates the loneliness I feel often at home by myself.

Today I pick the kids up for the weekend.  I am looking forward to seeing them. It's hard to make plans to do stuff when you have teenagers - they don't want to do very much (other than with their friends of course). It would be fun to do something with them - but my two youngest are a boy and a girl, 15 and 13 - they can barely agree on dinner let alone a family activity.  We might be able to agree on a board game.  That's quality time and free - I like that combination.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring. I have to take deep breaths, pet my puppies and take some Valium.

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Images and jewelry designs may not be reproduced, copied, duplicated, printed or otherwise used without the expressed written consent of Body Electric Jewelry or agents. All photos, text and designs are the property of Body Electric Jewelry. Photos may be used for personal enjoyment or archive purposes but photos, text and jewelry designs may not be used in any manner for financial gain or commerce by anyone other than Body Electric Jewelry.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's Sparkly!

As the day went on I felt quite a bit better.  I hope things keep going in this direction.  I made two new pieces.  The first one I did in honor of our snowy day.  It's on the dressy side and could almost be worn as wedding jewelry.  I made matching earrings as well.  I'll be posting this set on Etsy later today.

The second set has a necklace, bracelet and earrings. It's also kinda dressy.  I just love the colors in this set:  The turquoise and greens and silver. 

Both of these pieces shimmer and shine.  I usually stick with earthy tones and natural stones when I can, but the sparkle and color helped pick my mood up.

My anxiety has been up and down.  I really do think the addition of the anti-psychotic almost two months ago now has made a big difference.  I am not constantly anxious all day everyday and my moods are not as erratic.  I am very thankful to have a psychiatrist who listens to me and is willing to keep trying different things until we get it right.  It took me quite a long time to find a doctor who listens and responds the way he does.  He's not a therapist and I don't really discuss too much of daily living and emotional issues with him - I have a therapist for that; but he listens to what I can describe regarding my level of anxiety, my OCD behaviors, and my mood cycles. (All of which have seemed to improve a bit.)

Nothing new from my attorney yet.  Patience is not my best virtue.  I am sure he has many other cases, and I am not on the top of his "to do" list everyday.  The waiting and wondering is hard.  I wonder if any questions I might have answered in that 16 page questionnaire could've changed his mind about representing me.  I worry because having a mental illness has such a stigma. Does my bipolar disorder or other diagnoses make me a less credible client? My erratic mood swings? Prior suicidal ideation?  I guess only time will tell... and LOL that goes back to my lack of patience.

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Images and jewelry designs may not be reproduced, copied, duplicated, printed or otherwise used without the expressed written consent of Body Electric Jewelry or agents. All photos, text and designs are the property of Body Electric Jewelry. Photos may be used for personal enjoyment or archive purposes but photos, text and jewelry designs may not be used in any manner for financial gain or commerce by anyone other than Body Electric Jewelry.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Moody Monday... woops its Tuesday!

Woke up to a beautiful carpet of snow on our front lawn.  My wife got to go into work a bit late, and we had a nice relaxing morning.  Its really quite cold here - not what one expects in Texas.  We are not getting too much above freezing today, and the sky is just gray and dreary.  The basset hound has the right idea this morning.

Maybe its the weather, or just not being able to shake this upper respiratory infection - but I am feeling kinda down today.  I'm taking all my meds and trying to get healthy.  Haven't sold much recently with the exception of a few custom orders.  If I didn't love creating the things I create, I'm fairly certain I'd be ready to throw in the towel.  They are not kidding when they talk about the struggling artist. 

I will try and create a new piece of jewelry today I just need to find the motivation.  I have been enjoying the little bit of painting I've been doing.  I might offer the hand painted personalized onesies for sale in my Etsy shop. They are fun to make and I like the individuality of personalizing them. I bought a three pack of onesies so I decided to paint the last one for our other friend who just had a baby boy too. They did his room with a cowboy theme, so here is what I painted for Rylan:

Another lunch of chicken soup under my belt, cold medicine pumping though my veins and my trusty tissue box by my side.  I'll rest a bit longer and then I'll bead.  Maybe some colorful beads will lift my mood.

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Images and jewelry designs may not be reproduced, copied, duplicated, printed or otherwise used without the expressed written consent of Body Electric Jewelry or agents. All photos, text and designs are the property of Body Electric Jewelry. Photos may be used for personal enjoyment or archive purposes but photos, text and jewelry designs may not be used in any manner for financial gain or commerce by anyone other than Body Electric Jewelry.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Just Another Sick Day

The cupcakes were really yummy, but the strawberry icing needed some work.  I got to enjoy baby Nathan and helped them out with some burping and soothing techniques. I can't believe it, but I am still sick.  It's been two weeks already - I am done with being sick.

I've been resting most of the day.  The only thing I did today was paint another onesie for the baby.  They showed us his adorable nursery which is done in a robot print so I mimicked the fabric and made this:

The next call I get from the attorney is likely to be making arrangements to meet in person.  I really do want the opportunity to go home, but under these circumstances its very bittersweet.  I haven't been home since 2003 I think.  It was '02 or '03 and it was in February, and it was very very cold. It'll be pretty funny if I go back again in February.  I guess we will see what happens.  I miss New York terribly.  I'd move back if I could afford the cost of living. There is something about New York City that invigorates me, wakes me up and gets me going.  There's an electricity in the air that doesn't exist anywhere else.

Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow. Another doctor visit may be in order if I don't feel any better soon. Its still in my chest and the sinus drainage is just horrible.  I'm gonna get a good nights' sleep and hope for a healthier tomorrow.

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Images and jewelry designs may not be reproduced, copied, duplicated, printed or otherwise used without the expressed written consent of Body Electric Jewelry or agents. All photos, text and designs are the property of Body Electric Jewelry. Photos may be used for personal enjoyment or archive purposes but photos, text and jewelry designs may not be used in any manner for financial gain or commerce by anyone other than Body Electric Jewelry.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Baby Nathan & Baking

Today I am going to bake some twinkie cupcakes with strawberry frosting and bring them over to our friends' house.  I will take pictures of the finished product and let you know how the recipe goes.  I am so excited to see the baby I can hardly stand it.  I made my friend a bracelet for her to remember these first few weeks with her little one.  Here's a pic:

Gotta head to the store for some last minute ingredients.  I am going to make every effort to not think about the case today, and just enjoy time with my wife, our friends, and that adorable baby boy.  I also painted a onesie for him in preparation for Valentine's Day.  I hope it fits in February.

OK - the recipe I used for the cupcakes was a bit painstaking.  I hope it pays off.  They are filled with a vanilla creme like a twinkie and then I frosted them with strawberry frosting and decorated with a fresh strawberry on top.  I used the recipe you can find by clicking this link: Make Your Own Twinkie Cupcakes.  Here's a pic of what they look like - I hope they taste as good as they look!

We watched a cool movie last night:  Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio (who I am not a huge fan of).  It was really good.  Keeps you on your toes and thinking - the kind of movie you could watch a few times and pick up new details with each viewing.  I want to go see The Hobbit tomorrow.

Need to head into the shower and get dressed. I am literally covered with powdered sugar - LOL!  Here we come baby Nathan!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Writing & Creating My Way Through

The sixteen page questionnaire that I have to fill out for my attorney is very daunting.  My memory about what happened is crystal clear, but things like names and dates are all a little foggy now.  I will do my best and just answer everything as completely as I am able.  Those people in my life who cared back then, I wonder if they'll care now; if their memory of those months is as clear as mine? I can remember the shame, the confusion, the pain, the anxiety, the disappointment, the sadness, the stress, the fear - all of it.  When we tried to expose the truth 27 years ago it was the longest nightmare of my life - one I do not look forward to reliving.

My anxiety is building already and we haven't begun any formal proceedings.  I hope I have the strength for this.  The support system I have around me is solid, but ultimately it is I who has to move through this process and find my healing path.

I need to make a point each day to NOT think about all of this for a few hours.  Its hard because of my OCD and anxiety.  If I make a point of being creative every day that ought to help.  On that note I made a necklace with what little energy I had. I've been working with a lot of color recently, so I decided to create in black and white.
I think I am going to paint. I am wanting to put a brush on canvas. If I continue to get healthier I should have the energy.

Writing this blog has sparked the flame to pick up writing I began many years ago.  I started writing about the facts and circumstances that made me who I am, but put it down wondering who if anyone would be interested in the story.  I am considering starting a separate blog to continue working on this story so that the Body Electric Jewelry blog can remain about jewelry and current things.  I'm still not sure anyone would read it, but maybe it would be a good personal exercise.

This weekend (assuming I am healthy) I finally get to meet our friends' baby.  I am so excited.  Caring for babies is one of my most favorite things to do. At least until they can say "no", then giving them back to their parents is in order.  My kids are almost all grown now, and I miss their babyhood.  So I get to live vicariously though our friends.  Any time I can spend with that sweet baby will certainly be a positive distraction and bring me much happiness.

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Images and jewelry designs may not be reproduced, copied, duplicated, printed or otherwise used without the expressed written consent of Body Electric Jewelry or agents. All photos, text and designs are the property of Body Electric Jewelry. Photos may be used for personal enjoyment or archive purposes but photos, text and jewelry designs may not be used in any manner for financial gain or commerce by anyone other than Body Electric Jewelry.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

On The Mend?

Well, the attorney called back like he said he would.  I'm beginning to wonder if he passed the bar! :) LOL  It's refreshing to deal with someone who keeps their word.  Apparently they are willing to pursue legal action against this former rabbi, and the institution which looked the other way and covered everything up.  I want to pinch myself to be sure its true.  Is it possible that the truth will finally come to light? That his current flock of sheep will realize they are being led by a wolf?  I so desperately want to let that glimmer of hope shine, but my rational and practical side reminds me that the good guys don't always win, and lies can be sustained for generations.  I will do whatever I can, whatever is in my power to bring the truth into the light; for my own healing, for other victims and even more importantly to prevent further abuse.

I found some energy and created a new piece. After I finished I was just totally exhausted.  My chest is still very tight and coughing hurts all over.  I think the body is still trying to tell me to rest. But hopefully I am on the upswing. Here's the piece, the colors in this one are very hard to photograph.  The main stones are a beautiful combination of a rust rose, tan, beige and grey.  I used complimentary smaller beads and added some gun metal and silver to complete this necklace.

At the beginning of March I am attending a jewelry making conference in Houston where I will be attending a bunch of workshops to expand my repertoire. I am really looking forward to it.  I love learning new things.  My mom is sending me to the conference as a birthday gift.  I hope to sell a few pieces before then because I need to purchase a bunch of supplies for these classes, and I just don't have the funds right now.  I will admit I am a little anxious about being in a large class with people I don't know.  My anxiety disorder rears its head on these occasions.  I never used to be anxious in these type of situations,  I rode the subway and/or bus everyday to and from school as a teen, public transportation in New York City, and I did just fine for the most part.  I think I do better when I don't have to interact with the individuals around me vs. an expectation of cordiality.  It seems like new situations and new people have me more and more anxious the older I get.  When I have a panic attack (aside from the dread, the sweating and the racing heart and thoughts) it goes to my intestines and bowls.  There is no feeling more humiliating and terrifying than having a panic attack and not knowing if you are going to get to a bathroom on time.  That intense reaction started after the abuse. I went to numerous doctors over the years and IBS was finally diagnosed, but having a name for it doesn't make it any better.  My daily meds keep it basically in check, but I am thankful that I can take Valium when needed.

On the sidebar of this blog I have created a BEJ Blog Button with a grab box.  If you have a webpage or blog of your own and would be willing to promote my blog, feel free to cut and paste the HTML code from the grab box to create my button on your page.  I'd be happy to do the same for you.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

From My Sick Bed Soap Box

Another day still sick.  My chest hurts from all the coughing. Being sick really sucks.  I think I may be on the upswing though because energy wise I am feeling a bit better. Here are two pics of another custom order I just finished. I hope today to have enough energy to be creative at some point.  Even if I am on the mend, I am still absolutely exhausted from all the yuck.

My eldest daughter is in Spain. I am so thrilled that she has the opportunity to study abroad.  I am also a bit jealous having never had the opportunity to travel to Europe.  I hope she has the time of her life.  She's such an amazing young woman and I am so proud of her.

The attorney is supposed to call me back today.   You know, if by chance we can proceed with some type of lawsuit, wouldn't any settlement reached just further push the corruption under the carpet?  True justice is not likely to occur here on earth.  I am not a person of faith, so it hard for me.  A believer finds comfort in their confidence that justice will be served in some other realm, by some powerful deity. I am open to that possibility, and certainly hope for that outcome, but blind faith is something I no longer have.

The humiliation I suffered has perpetuated a constant deep sense of shame.  The feeling that my self worth and my sexuality are one and the same. I was only worth what I could do for him and for his career. Once I served my purpose all attempts were made to destroy me.  I think I still operate at that level to some degree.  If I am not being productive, or creative or doing for others I have an overwhelming sense of worthlessness.  I am working on my self worth it is a long journey.

After so much pain and silence I'd like to imagine that people will know the truth and believe it.  Like the Catholic Church, the Jewish community denies and silences its own humanity.  There are sick people everywhere, in every walk of life, every financial bracket, every leadership position and yes in every religion.  There are women and men, girls and boys who endure abuse every day from people they love and trust.  These predatory individuals must be removed from society to protect innocent lives; Not just "dealt with internally" by religious institutions.  O.K. time to step down off my soap box for the day.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fear and Trust - A Painful Pairing

Yesterday, I cut and pasted my 2004 account of the sexual abuse I suffered in 1986 into this blog.  I tried a couple of times, but I can't read it.  I wrote it, but I can't read it.  If I need to verbally discuss everything that happened with the attorney, my inability to even read the words I've written might be problematic.  I guess I'm not sure if I have the strength to revisit all the emotions again.  When they rear their head, they feel almost as intense as they did 27 years ago.  What floors me really is the fear I still feel.  I'm 43 years old and I am still terrified of what he could do to me and my family.  What is he willing to do to keep me quiet this time around?  That's whats scary.  He can no longer ostracize me from the Jewish Community, or take away educational or recreational opportunities.  I'm afraid he could do much worse.  He is a narcissist and will do whatever is necessary to protect his image. Like 1986 he has his minions - people who admire and look to him with cult like fascination. I guess I have to hope he is not capable of violence.

The attorney called yesterday. He gets a lot of big whopping brownie points for actually calling on the day he said he would.  I was a paralegal for many years and I can tell you this timely phone call in and of itself is an accomplishment worth applauding.  Not sure if this will finally be the time that all of this is exposed, and that those who did so much damage are brought to justice, but I guess I can hope for the best.  Each time I rehash this part of my past I think: "Certainly this isn't rearing its head again!" But I suppose maybe someday the injustice of it all will cause a wrong to be righted - maybe karma will finally get its encore.  I certainly am not going to hold my breath; and while I used to live behind rose colored glasses, I've learned with age and experience that the good guys don't always come out on top.

I cant get back the innocence that I lost. You should be able to trust a rabbi, a priest, a preacher, a minister... but you can't.  You cannot trust anyone until they prove themselves to be trustworthy. All the turmoil and pain of those months in 1986 occurred in some sort of vacuum. I've contained them there, but the effects travel like spider veins throughout my life; Branching off and moving in different directions and different times for different reasons and purposes. It pains me to admit, but so much of my past defined who I have become.  Even if I fight against it, and win at times, I can't deny the facts and how they have transpired.  I look at my youngest child who will be 14 in a few months and I realize how young and impressionable I was at 15-16.  Our brains aren't completely working right - everything is still misfiring.  The only blame I can take is for being a lost teenage soul.  I repeat that again and again to myself.  In 1986 I was blamed; by my own parents, youth leaders and other clergy members, so despite the repetition its hard to acknowledge the accuracy of that statement. It sickens me to think of a grown man - a rabbi, who my daughter trusts, taking advantage of her impressionability and naivety the way I was taken advantage of. The damage it did to my self image has yet to be repaired.

I hate to sound so jaded, but my gut tells me that this sicko will fall through the cracks again.  He will continue to hurt women because he is incapable of anything else. I know some of his other victims, and like myself I think they want to pack it all in a box and put it up in their emotional attic. Reliving this again and again takes a serious toll on ones psyche - and once again with no guarantee of closure. I am going to make promise to myself this time that it will be my last attempt to bring him to justice.  If there is a supreme being, he will get his when the time comes.  But here on earth there is just so much one not very strong woman can do.

I am still quite sick, and haven't been able to create any new pieces. It's deep in my chest now and another doctor visit may be in order.  I really don't want pneumonia.  I have a few custom orders waiting in the wings, but my mind and body wont allow the endeavor.  Sitting around coughing, alternating between a low grade fever and the chills, blowing my nose, sneezing, and wheezing keeps me busy and miserable 100% of the time. 

Here is a pic of one of the custom orders I just completed before getting so sick. The necklace has photo charms of this mom's three children and is going to be given as a birthday or Mother's Day gift.  This mom loves pink and the gift giver insured me that she will absolutely love it!  Maybe later in the day I'll feel up to creating something - it might be a new doctor bill though!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Another Shot in the Dark?

Back a number of years ago I was in a similar position I am in today regarding speaking with an attorney about the abuse I suffered when I was a teen.  I spoke with an attorney back then, and nothing came of it other than rehashing painful memories.  That is partially why I don't know if I should bother this time around.  I wrote an account of what occurred during that time in my life and it was included in a well read blog Your Moral Leader, by Luke Ford from Los Angeles.  I know it is incomplete in thought and detail, but at the time it was written, I put my best effort into restating the account as accurately and honestly as possible. This was by far the worst time in my life.  I was persecuted, harassed and embarrassed.  Like the Catholic Church, Yeshiva University under whose auspices the youth group I belonged to operated, shoved everything under the rug, told me not to go to the police and by their inaction made me feel re-victimized.

I will repost here, on my blog what I had written back in 2004.  Maybe this will give me a sense of empowerment.  I don't know, but I guess its a start.  The man still terrifies me.  I am forty-three years old, and just the mere thought of him brings on overwhelming fear.  He has changed names, traveled America, fled the country, on and on, but no one seems to be able to stop him.  Here is my 2004 account of what occurred in 1986:

"The overwhelming exhaustion that has washed over me from existing as a victim for the past eighteen years has ultimately been my silencer. Any remaining strength is channeled into the necessary tasks of parenting and daily survival. I will no longer be a victim.

The better part of my childhood was spent lost and invisible. My earliest recollections are of pleading to an unnamed supreme being.

“Please,” I’d say, “I’ll do anything, anything at all if you’ll let her find me. I know she must be looking for me.”

I’d scream and cry into my pillow at night. I remember waiting at the door. Anger was not an issue. If I was angry with anyone, it was the other “she”, the one who had taken me away. That was how my childhood psyche worked. Adoption was not a warm fuzzy word defined by “we really wanted you”. I read it as; the one person who truly mattered didn’t, couldn’t or was convinced not to.

So, I kept searching for my mother, for someone to love me the way I needed to be loved.

Along came Judaism, JPSY and Mordechai Winiarz.

At that time, my family was in constant turmoil. My father had brushed with death far too many times. In 1985 he underwent his second open-heart surgery – a quadruple by-pass. I hit puberty and my emotions, hormones and home-life were in shambles.

Mordechai Winiarz paid attention to me. He told me how intelligent and special I was. I spent many Shabbat lunches with him and his wife feeling like I had finally found a family. I began keeping kosher and abiding by the laws of modesty.

Mordechai had awarded me JPSYer of the Year. My sadness and isolation at home had me frustrated and doing poorly academically. I asked Mordechai if I could live with him and his wife. At the time I was hoping for a more permanent arrangement, but we agreed on taking things one week at a time. I had just turned sixteen when I moved in with them the first time.

The week went by rather uneventfully with one exception. I awoke one evening from a disturbing dream. It was maybe midnight and I heard someone awake upstairs. I decided to get some milk and try and relax and think. I soon realized it was Mordechai who was awake. He heard me in the kitchen and asked me to talk to him. When I approached the study, Mordechai was in his robe, preparing a shiur (lecture) on something.

“Why are you still awake?” he asked me. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing” I said. “I just needed a drink.”

“I can tell there is something wrong, talk to me.”

“Really, it’s O.K.; I just had a bad dream. I am going back to sleep.”

“You’ll never be able to sleep if you don’t tell me.”

He wouldn’t give up. I felt trapped. Not physically mind you, but emotionally. I enjoyed talking and sharing with him because he listened, but the dream I had was strange, it involved me as a young child and the typical scenario of walking in on your parents’ lovemaking (in the dream he and his wife were my parents). I had had general dreams involving them as my parents previously. I didn’t want to share it. I wanted time to think about it. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. When I finally described my dream to him, he interpreted it as my being sexually attracted to him. I felt he was completely off base. I quickly changed the topic and was able to return to bed.

After the agreed upon weeks’ stay came to a close, my parents insisted I come back. So, much to my chagrin, I returned home. Things there went from bad to worse when my mother fell at work and was hospitalized with a broken hip. Now my mother was hospitalized and my father was trying to recoup from open-heart surgery. I felt helpless and lost. I couldn’t cope. I had no siblings and no family lived nearby. So off I ran – back to Mordechai, his wife, and the warmth and safety I felt there.

This time however, it was very different. It was Tuesday evening after at school when he made his first trip into what was then my bedroom - the basement. It was very late and I had already been asleep when the door opened. From the door, he said, “You look like you need a hug”. I pretended to remain asleep. He approached the bed and repeated himself. I still did not answer and conveniently I was turned away from him. My mind was racing. I was overwhelmed. I didn’t know what to say. I was shomeret negiah (abiding by the stringent Jewish laws prohibiting premarital touch). Why was he in my bedroom? Why was he asking to touch me at all? I knew it was wrong. He knew it was wrong – didn’t he? Certainly I needed a hug, I always needed a hug, but a hug from him was wrong. Wasn’t it? If it were so wrong, why would he have offered it? I could not keep up with the fears and questions flying around inside my brain.

Before I could process them, react or respond he was sitting on my bed. I sat up to tell him “No, it’s O.K. I don’t need a hug. And why are you even offering?” when he put his arms around me. For a brief moment it felt good - like I was a little kid and my daddy was giving me a hug. Then I realized this was not right I tried to pull away but he held onto me and fell on top of me. He began touching me under my nightclothes. I said “No.” and tried to move his hand away. He kept fondling me. I said “No.” again and he stopped, abruptly stopped. It was the most bizarre thing. He rose from the bed, told me not to say anything about what happened because no one would understand. He promised me it wouldn’t happen again. And I believed him. I had to.

Thursday was an early release day from school. I was emotionally exhausted and went straight downstairs for a nap. Mordechai was at the house. I thought that was odd – why was he not working? He tried to stop me, to talk again. I told him to leave me alone – I was tired and I needed rest. I had been asleep no longer than 30 minutes when Mordechai arrived in my room once again. Now he was in robe. He didn’t bother to knock. He stood at the door and said something to wake me. I startled. He arrogantly stated, “You know what you want.”

“What?” I asked. I truly had no clue what he was talking about and why the hell was he in his robe in the middle of the day?

“You know what you want. I will go out of this room and come back in. You just give me a sign.” He stepped out and closed the door.

The shaking started again. What the hell should I do? What did he say? I was half asleep. I sat up in bed. I was fully clothed, under a thick blanket, warm and uncomfortable. I had layered my clothes so that my elbows would be covered. I removed one layer, completely covered myself up to my neck with the comforter and turned to stare at the wall hoping that he’d just not come back. I felt like such a child. I wanted him to love me, but not like this. I wanted to be their child, just start over with a new family who paid attention, cared and understood.

Then he was there in my room, standing over me at my bedside in only his underwear. I had not even heard him come in the door. He lay down next to me and began touching me again, like he had previously. I said, “Mordechai, no, this is wrong.” It was as if he didn’t even hear me. I just shut down and let him do what he was going to do. He continued fondling me, took off all of my clothes and his. He positioned himself on top of me ready for intercourse.

“When did you get your last period?” he asked. What a weird question. I wasn’t sure of the answer. I just made something up. “That’s no good.” He replied. “You know I could get you pregnant.” He seemed disappointed as he lay beside me. Mordechai took my hand and forced me to help him climax. I had never done anything like that before. I had never even seen a man naked. He ejaculated all over me. I felt horrible. When he was finished he stood abruptly.

“Get cleaned up and come upstairs,” he ordered and left the room.

I was now shaking so fiercely I could barely follow the instructions. When I finally ascended from the basement, he was waiting in the living room, in his typical starched white shirt and dark dress pants. “We are going for a walk,” he said.

We walked around Flatbush for the better part of an hour. First he attempted to make me think that nothing ever happened; that it was all a figment of my imagination. When that didn’t work he tried to convince me that I would never be believed because he was a Rabbi and I was just a kid. Who was more credible? He asked rhetorically. He was still unsure that I was buying his argument so he moved on to threats. He would destroy my life. I would never learn in yeshiva, never get married, on and on. Now he had my attention. What was he capable of? I couldn’t be certain. But I knew one thing - I was scared. Emotionally destroyed, hating myself, and hating him, just wanted to disappear.

He left me there at the house and headed toward Manhattan. I was alone in every sense of the word. I knew his wife would be home from work soon. I went to the kitchen, found the sharpest knife I could find and sat on the dining room floor screaming, crying and trying desperately to break the skin of my wrist with the blade. I had just made a few superficial cuts when his wife walked in.

My gut instinct was that he had already told her some crazy story about me. She saw me there curled in ball on the floor crying. She didn’t even acknowledge my existence. Maybe she couldn’t. She just walked by and went into their bedroom. I knew I needed to tell someone. I called Susan (a JPSY advisor and friend) three or four times before I reached her. I went to school the next day in shock. I was due at Susan’s house for Shabbat later that evening. The evening before, I had told her briefly what had occurred. When I returned to his home after school to pack for Shabbat he was there. Again, he insisted I not tell anyone. He made me promise not to.

The train ride to Susan’s house was surreal. I was crying and shaking all the way from Brooklyn to Queens. I had never been so confused. I desperately wanted to tell Susan everything that had happened but I was afraid. I felt like I was drowning, like I could barely breathe.

There were other girls there that Shabbat and I could not find the privacy necessary to continue discussing what had happened. I fell asleep crying, hoping that things could just go back to the way they had been only days before. When Motzei Shabbat arrived one of the other girls left and only one other JPSY teenager and I remained. I talked Susan’s ear off about nonsense until the other girl nodded off, and then I told her the details of what happened with Mordechai. I was shaking like a leaf.

It was then that Susan told me that she had already heard from Mordechai. He had called her prior to Shabbat “warning” her about my “delusional” stories, my emotional instability and attempting to compel her into allegiance. Susan diligently listened to the facts, my fears, and unequivocally assured me of her loyalty and confidence in my credibility. She told me that he had made inappropriate advances to her in the past.

Susan was there for me through what would be the remaining eighteen months of hell. We were kids trying to figure out how to handle this trauma with no help or support from our parents or the community. I don’t remember much after that conversation.

I do remember telling my parents with Susan by my side what had occurred.

I remember how they blamed me since it was I who left the house to begin with. I remember the next year and a half of harassment and mental games. I clearly recollect the “camps” of people who believed what really happened and those who refused to. I remember the telephone calls at all hours of the evening – the hang-ups, the heavy breathing. Then the photos of naked men arriving at our home because Mordechai had taken out a personal add in a gay men’s magazine using our P.O. Box address as the return. I remember the Rabbis telling us to “let things go” and “move on”: Kenneth Hain, Yitzchok Adler, and Sholomo Riskin. I remember the ridiculous meeting held at Yeshiva University at which I had to bare my soul to men I had neither previously met nor trusted.

People keep telling me that times are different now. People will listen. Things will change. I don’t know. I want to believe that. I want to believe that he will be stopped. That he will no longer hurt anyone. All the talking, emails and articles seem very empty to me.

I am placing the truth out into the world once more and putting it formally into print. If this gives other young people the courage to speak out when they are betrayed, hurt or violated by an adult maybe something good will come out of this. Maybe others perpetrators will be stopped. Maybe community leaders will learn to take a stand on crucial issues before victims accumulate in silence, erupting unpredictably later in life with unified inner-strength and piercingly powerful voices. I won’t be silenced again. I’m no longer a victim, I have a voice."

Most of the time I don't think about this at all, but sometimes it rears its ugly head and I am back to being that scared teenager running, crying with no where to turn.  I have a voice, but it feels so weak and unheard.  Maybe this go around will be different?  Maybe not.  Only time will tell.